AusDancersOverseas and Dr. Nicky Keay’Nutritional considerations for the performing athlete’Short bios + textAusDancersOverseas: Stephanie is a former dancer turned doctor and sports nutritionist. She has extensive work experience with dancers, and now runs a private clinic to support dancers from all over the world to become the healthiest version of themselves. Her unique background helps combine medicine with sports nutrition, thereby looking at the dancers very holistically. Her travels have allowed a deep insight into the dance world on all continents, certainly reason enough to be very outspoken about still existing, health-related problems in dance.Nicky Keay: Nicky is a former dancer turned doctor, specialized in endocrinology. She works in the most various settings with running her own clinic, collaborating with other clinics and brands (e.g. Forth Edge UK) and also regularly see dancers in UK companies. She is a frequent guest speaker at conferences like IADMS and BASEM and author of multiple scientific publications.Nicky and Stephanie have recently submitted their newest research on eating attitudes and body image in dancers, and will share the typical problematic issues regarding nutrition and dancers in this webinar – and how to solve them. They’re both still active and take classes regularly.Find them online@ausdancersoverseas@nickykfitness

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